ASC 17/39

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 24 November 2017

Major Programme Amendment Proposal: BA (Honours) Fine Art at The Glasgow School of Art

Cover Sheet

Robbie Mulholland, Clerk, Joint Liaison Committee of the University of Glasgow and The Glasgow School of Art

Brief description of the paper 

The enclosed paper is a major programme amendment proposal for the BA (Hons) Fine Art programme at the Glasgow School of Art (GSA). The proposal was approved by the GSA Executive Group on 3 October 2017.

The changes are primarily to align with the GSA First Year Experience curriculum reform and the proposal has four objectives, namely to:

  • ‘Review and rewrite the Critical Studies curriculum, post disaggregation, removing references to Forum for Critical Inquiry while also attending to the internationalisation and diversity agenda;
  • Review and rewrite the Year 1 Fine Art curriculum in light of the impact of the cross GSA First Year Experience (Mack 1 and Mack 2 new courses);
  • Review the Programme Intended Learning Outcomes to ensure that these are appropriately aligned with relevant QAA Benchmark Statements; and
  • Review the Intended Learning Outcomes for SCQF 10 Fine Art Studio (100 credits) to ensure that the student outcomes are appropriate for the additional credits and there is a parity of workload/expectation for those taking the 80/40 split’.

Subject to in-principle approval by Academic Standards Committee, the School of Fine Art intends to develop the approval documentation in session 2017-18 for consideration by GSA’s Undergraduate and Postgraduate (UPC) Programme Approval meeting in February 2018.

Action Requested 

Academic Standards Committee is asked to approve in principle the enclosed major programme amendment proposal for the BA (Hons) Fine Art programme at The Glasgow School of Art.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 


Resource implications 

No resources implications have been identified for the University.

Timescale for Implementation 

It is the School of Fine Art’s intention to apply the amendment from 2019-20 and re-launch the programme in September 2019.

Equality implications 

Equality considerations and equality impact assessment are embedded and mainstreamed at GSA. The Equality Impact Assessment for the existing BA (Honours) Fine Art is currently in development and GSA anticipate that the Summary Report from this will be submitted for consideration at the November 15 2017 UPC meeting. As the programme team develops the major programme amendment approval documentation, it will assess the equality impact of the proposed change and report on this in the major programme amendment information document.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson