ASC 17/38

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 24 November 2017

Major Programme Amendment: MEd in Learning, Teaching and Supervisory Practice in the Creative Disciplines at The Glasgow School of Art

Cover Sheet

Robbie Mulholland, Clerk, Joint Liaison Committee of the University of Glasgow and The Glasgow School of Art

Brief description of the paper 

The enclosed paper is the programme approval report for the MEd in Learning, Teaching and Supervisory Practice in the Creative Disciplines at The Glasgow School of Art (GSA). The report outlines a proposal to replace the former MEd in Education in the Creative Disciplines programme by the new programmes below. GSA Academic Council approved the report on the recommendation of the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Committee (UPC) Programme Approval meeting of 10 May 2017.

Academic Standards Committee gave in-principle approval to the initial proposal at its meeting in November 2016, but requested that further information be provided with regard to the following matters:

  • the reasons for the difference in titles for the PG Diploma and for the MEd;
  • an explanation for having an IELTs requirement of 7.0 (rather than the usual 6.0); and
  • the Dissertation preparation course (20 credits), in view of the fact that 20 credits is also awarded for a Research Methods course. GSA considers that these matters have now been addressed by the programme team (see paragraph 1.12).
Action Requested 

Academic Standards Committee (ASC) is asked to approve the proposal to replace the former MEd in Education in the Creative Disciplines, and validate the following programmes to commence in its place, with effect from session 2017-18:

  • Master of Education in Learning, Teaching and Supervisory Practice in the Creative Disciplines
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Learning and Teaching in the Creative Disciplines
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Supervisory Practices in the Creative Disciplines; and
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Learning, Teaching and Supervisory Practices in the Creative Discipline
Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 


Resource implications 

There are no resource implications identified for the University in the report.

Timescale for Implementation 

Session 2017-18.

Equality implications 

Equality considerations and equality impact assessment are embedded and mainstreamed at GSA. An Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) was undertaken and submitted along with the programme approval documentation to the UPC Programme Approval meeting. Through the EIA, several positive impacts were identified and no negative impacts were identified for protected characteristic groups by the programme team.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson