ASC 17/15
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Friday 6 October 2017
The Glasgow School of Art: Major Programme Amendment Proposal – MSc Visualisation
Cover Sheet
Robbie Mulholland, Clerk, Joint Liaison Committee of the University of Glasgow and The Glasgow School of Art
The attached paper proposes a major programme amendment to the MSc Visualisation programme at The Glasgow School of Art (GSA). The proposal has been brought forward by the School of Simulation and Visualisation (GSA) and was approved by GSA’s Executive Group in July 2017.
The programme is to be amended in line with the PGT Credit Reform being progressed within GSA. PGT credit reform is being undertaken to:
- ‘Support the development of future strategic collaborations between GSA and other HEIs;
- Systematically review and develop interdisciplinary or inter-institutional collaborative provision at PGT level; and
- Review and revitalise the PGT curriculum structure (and address recurrent issues arising from Exam Boards and the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES))’.
The MSc Visualisation programme has three pathways: MSc International Heritage Visualisation; MSc Medical Visualisation and Human Anatomy (offered jointly with the University of Glasgow); and MSc Serious Games and Virtual Reality. The Academic Skills for Masters Research course which is the current core Research Skills option offered by the School of Simulation and Visualisation will be further developed across all three pathways. Some of the proposed pathway-specific amendments include:
MSc International Heritage Visualisation
- Amending the name of this pathway from MSc International Heritage Visualisation to MSc Heritage Visualisation;
- Amending the Heritage Visualisation 1 course to require students to complete projects in 3D modelling, interactive application development and written work related to practical, theoretical and contextual issues in heritage visualisation;
- The current 30 credit Data Acquisition and Processing course will be split into two 20 credit courses; one focussing on data acquisition and the other on developing a visualisation;
- Under the new structure, students will choose one elective rather than two.
MSc Medical Visualisation and Human Anatomy
- Amending the Medical Visualisation course to require students to complete projects in 3D modelling, volumetric visualisation and interactive application development.
MSc Serious Games and Virtual Reality
- Amending the Serious Game Design and Implementation course to require students to complete projects in 3D modelling, interactive application development and game design;
- Reducing the focus on game programming and introducing 3D modelling to Stage 1;
- The current Game Audio course will be removed from Stage 2: some content will be integrated into project work and other content may be offered as a possible elective.
ASC is asked to consider and approve in-principle the attached major programme amendment proposal for the MSc Visualisation
GSA. [If the proposed amendment subsequently receives full approval, the Senate Office is asked to note the change of name of the MSc International Heritage Visualisation to the MSc Heritage Visualisation].
Subject to ASC approval, it is the School of Simulation and Visualisation’s intention to develop the approval documentation in session 2017-18 for consideration and approval by GSA’s Undergraduate and Postgraduate Committee (UPC) Programme Approval meeting in November 2017. The School will apply the amendment from 2019-20 and re-launch the programme in September 2019.