ASC 15/84

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 20 May 2016

Proposal from Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) to Transfer Delivery of the BA Sports Coaching & Development at SRUC’s Ayr Campus to the University of the West of Scotland’s (UWS) Ayr Campus

Cover Sheet

Dr Kenneth Hutton, Academic Collaborations Office, Clerk to the Liaison Committee

Brief description of the paper 

This paper contains the rationale for the transfer of delivery of the BA Sports Coaching & Development at SRUC’s Ayr Campus to UWS at their Ayr Campus with effect from the 2016-17 academic year until 2019 when this “teach-out” would be complete. UoG and SRUC will then have no further responsibility for this programme which will then become part of UWS’s portfolio.

Action Requested 

The Academic Standards Committee is asked to note that future delivery of the BA Sports Coaching & Development at SRUC’s Ayr Campus will be taken over by UWS until the final UoG students have completed and that reporting of the Programme to UoG will continue through the existing mechanisms with SRUC including two annual interim meetings and an Annual Report to be submitted to the annual UoG/SRUC Joint Liaison Committee.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

Academic Collaborations Office/SRUC.

Resource implications 

Not applicable.

Timescale for Implementation 

Not applicable.

Equality implications 

SRUC has an Equality & Diversity policy in place as does UWS.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson