ASC 15/43

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 12 February 2016

Proposal from School of Education to Develop New Integrated Masters Level Programmes of Teacher Education

Cover Sheet

Dr Robert Doherty, School of Education

Brief description of the paper 

The paper is a proposal from the School of Education to develop new Integrated Masters level programmes of Teacher Education.

Action Requested 

The School of Education is seeking agreement in principle from the ASC to proceed in the development of two Integrated Masters programmes of teacher education.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

Dr Robert Doherty, Mr Leon Robinson, Mr Lee Dunn in coordination with core teaching teams.

Resource implications 

This proposal will require staff time to be invested in the development cycle; the processes of internal approval and external accreditation, a review of the current curriculum and the development of new courses.

Timescale for Implementation 

The School would aim to complete external accreditation by the end of this session and commence recruitment for the new programmes in session 2017-18.

Equality implications 

Benchmark considerations for teacher education programme development.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson