ASC 15/08
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Friday 2 October 2015
Cover Sheet
Clare Barnes, Clerk to the Review Panel
Under Summer Powers 2014, the Academic Standards Committee received the Report of Periodic Subject Review of School of Education – Community Development and Adult Education. The recommendations contained within the report were approved for onward transmission to those identified for action. This report details the responses and the progress made to date in implementing the recommendations.
As the Convener of the Panel has retired, Professor F Coton, Vice-Principal (Academic and Educational Innovation) was asked to consider the adequacy of the responses given. Professor Coton has confirmed that he is satisfied with all of the responses. He advised “The PSR process has a responsibility to review the quality, delivery and support of the academic programmes of a subject area. It does not, however, have responsibility for determining the programmes that are taught. This responsibility sits with the School and the College. Given the change in external circumstances and decision to withdraw the STRADA programme, the recommendations relating to the STRADA programme become redundant and the responses from the subject area are, therefore, appropriate”.