ASC 14/84

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Thursday 21 May 2015

Deans of Graduate Studies / Deans of Learning and Teaching - Special Meeting to Discuss Graduate Teaching Assistants - 9 April 2015

Cover Sheet

Mary Beth Kneafsey, Research Strategy & Innovation Office

Brief description of the paper 

Academic Standards Committee (ASC) had noted an increase in the number of issues reported in Periodic Subject Reviews (PSR) that related to Graduate Teaching Assistants. The Deans were asked to meet to explore these further and to see if there were any issues that could be addressed at an institutional level. A report of this meeting is attached in Appendix 1.

Colleagues noted that:

  • School / subject level training was managed locally and therefore there was no view on the consistency of this training and that perhaps some guidelines on what this should comprise might address this gap.
  • The delivery of teaching is clearly a ‘learning and teaching’ issue although this is not overseen by Graduate Schools. The duty of care for PGR was a Graduate School issue and the development of teaching and related skills through GTA work was quite important.
  • The College of Arts have done a significant amount of work in developing a GTA policy and the other Colleges agreed to review this and consider whether it might be appropriate to adapt this for other Colleges.
Action Requested 

Academic Standards Committee is asked to note the report.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

Not yet agreed.

Resource implications 

None identified.

Timescale for Implementation 

None identified.

Equality implications 

None identified.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson