ASC 14/75

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 17 April 2015

Report from the Programme Approval Event held at The Glasgow School of Art on 11 February 2015

Cover Sheet

Robbie Mulholland, Clerk, Joint Liaison Committee of the University of Glasgow and The Glasgow School of Art

Brief description of the paper 

The attached is a report from the Glasgow School of Art (GSA) seeking Academic Standards Committee approval for the undernoted Programme Validation and Major Programme Amendments. These proposals were approved by the GSA Academic Council on 11 March 2015.

1) Programme Validation: Master of Research

GSA has developed the Master of Research programme in response to positive feedback from potential students and in order to take advantage of SFC funded places specifically for Masters Programmes. The proposal is based on a 1+2 model and GSA has assured the University that there would be no double counting of research. Students progressing from the Master of Research to PhD would only be allowed a one year reduction in the normal 3 years minimum duration for PhD study. All other PhD regulations would apply.

GSA was asked for clarification on other issues as follows:

  • Section 1.10 in the relevant section of the report outlines that co-supervisors may be appointed form the School’s other existing research partners. GSA has assured the University that primary supervisors will be drawn from GSA’s existing pool. GSA’s Research Degrees Sub Committee (RDSC) has responsibility for appointing supervisors and the University is represented on this committee. Where co-supervisors are proposed from other partners, GSA will approach the University for approval of the supervisors as associate staff of the University.
  • Section 1.11 in the relevant section of the report outlines the issue of the location of the research. GSA has assured the University that the majority of the research would be undertaken at GSA’s Glasgow campus or at the GSA’s Institute of Design Innovation which is co-located at GSA Glasgow and at studios in Forres – the ‘Creative Campus’. Any proposal to deliver supervision from a location out with these locations will be reviewed on a case by case basis by the RDSC.

2) Major Programme Amendment: MDes Fashion and Textiles

The proposed amendments to the MDes Fashion and Textiles programme, which involved the replacement of Design Process Portfolio courses at levels 1 – 3 by cross GSA Postgraduate Electives, would simplify the programme and align it with the other School of Design Masters programmes.

3) Major Programme Amendment: BDes (Hons) Fashion and Textiles

The proposed amendment will mean that the BDes (Hons) Fashion and Textiles is disaggregated into the following: the BA (Hons) Fashion Design and the BA (Hons) Textile Design. The proposal would align undergraduate fashion and textiles with other School of Design undergraduate programmes and UK competitor programmes.

4) Major Programme Amendment: BDes (Hons) Digital Culture

The proposed amendments, to the BDes (Hons) Digital Culture programme, as outlined in section 1.4 of the relevant section of the report, will allow it to achieve greater parity with the other Design Undergraduate programmes offered by the GSA. The Committee should note that, for marketing purposes, it is likely that a title change will be considered for this programme in due course [See section 1.10 of the relevant section of the report]. If, as suggested, this change is purely for marketing purposes and will not involve a change to the programme structure, then University approval will not be required. This will be reported to ASC at the appropriate time.

5) Major Programme Amendment: MLitt Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art)

The proposed amendment to the MLitt Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art), which involves changes to the assessment arrangements to allow 20 credits in each course to be assessed through studio work, will simplify the programme and align it with the MLitt Fine Art Practice programme as well as position the programme more distinctively within the available curatorial programmes offered in the UK and overseas.

Action Requested 
  1. Academic Standards Committee is asked to consider and approve the validation of the Master of Research programme for a six year period commencing session 2015-16 [See 1 above]
  2. Academic Standards Committee is asked to approve the above proposed Major Programme Amendments [See 2 – 5 above].
Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

The Glasgow School of Art.

Resource implications 


Timescale for Implementation 

For implementation in session 2015-16.

Equality implications 

With the exception of the MLitt Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art), it is proposed that each of the above Programmes should have an Equality Impact Assessment undertaken by the relevant Programme Team in session 2015/16. In the case of the MLitt Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art), an Equality Impact Assessment should take place prior to the end of session 2014/15.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson