ASC 14/39

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 14 November 2014

Proposed Amendments to the Programme Approval Procedure at The Glasgow School of Art

Cover Sheet

Mrs Jackie McCluskey, Academic Collaborations Office

Brief description of the paper 

The paper outlines a proposal from GSA for changes to the current programme approval process. GSA is proposing to streamline the process and thus allow them to respond in a timely way to market demands.

The main change being proposed is that the process should be completed over the equivalent of one academic session. Currently, and in line with the University’s Code of Practice for Validated Provision, the process involves the submission of a Statement of Intent to Academic Standards Committee in one academic session, followed by the full proposal in the following session following due process at GSA. Deviations from the Code of Practice for Validated Provision are possible, particularly in the case of our validated institution with ‘Accredited’ status (such as GSA) subject to consideration by ASC.

Currently UoG staff are invited to join a validation panel (one representative where the proposed programme is GSA’s; and two representatives for joint programmes with UoG). Under the new process, UoG would continue to be represented on the Programme Approval Group and GSA’s Academic Council. Similarly, the Programme Approval Group would continue to have both student and external representation.

The timescales outlined in the paper are indicative and illustrate the process within one academic session. However, it is possible that the process could start at GSA at different points in the academic year and span two sessions. For example, one scenario might be a proposal being considered by the GSA Executive in May, with submission to ASC in October. Thereafter the full proposal would then be considered at GSA Board of Studies; UPC Programme Approval Committee; and Academic Council prior to submission to ASC in February.

GSA staff have given assurances that the timescales are manageable.

Action Requested 

The Committee is requested to consider for approval the proposed amended procedure.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

GSA Academic Services.

Resource implications 

No direct resource implications for the University have been identified.

Timescale for Implementation 

The changes would be effective immediately for all GSA’s provision including programmes not validated by the University (GSA can award up to Diploma level). No new programme proposals are expected this session, however, major modifications to the BDes (Hons) Fashion and Textiles programme are anticipated at some point during 2014-15.

Equality implications 

GSA has an established equality policy in place.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson