ASC 14/35
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Friday 14 November 2014
Cover Sheet
Mrs Catherine Omand, Senior Academic Policy Manager
At its meeting on 23 May 2014, ASC received an update on the 13 recommendations established in the School of Engineering Periodic Subject Review held in January 2013. The Committee noted that the recommendations had, mainly, been given full and appropriate consideration.
The Committee considered that recommendation 1 should be sent back to the School for further consideration as the response did not adequately address the second clause of the recommendation, that the Head of College should clearly identify the benefits of TNE and other collaborations to the School. It was suggested that there was a difference in the perceived value and benefit of TNE and collaborative provision between the College and School Management Teams and other academic staff in the School. The College was encouraged to consider the Singapore Institute of Technology Year 1 Review in their response.
The Committee also agreed to seek clarification from the School in regards to recommendation 8. The University Calendar permits the duration of 60 and 90 minute exams to be increased by 30 minutes where the relevant College considers that it is justified by the nature and content of the examination. The School is asked to confirm, within six months, that College approval has been granted for the exceptions to exam duration in the School of Engineering.
Three recommendations had not been progressed in 2013-14; recommendation 6, in relation to GTA support and training, had not been taken forward and the School identified the use, allocation and training of GTAs as a 'major issue'; recommendation 7 concerning the diversity and balance within project teams; and recommendation 12 in relation to priority maintenance issues in the Rankine Building. It was agreed to request an update to all of these recommendations in six months.
Academic Standards Committee is asked to consider the adequacy of the updated response and the progress made. In relation to Recommendation 6, the response indicates that training and support of GTAs is recognised by the School but the issue was related to budgetary constraints and the need for additional GTAs to support teaching.