ASC 14/106

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Thursday 21 May 2015

The Glasgow School of Art: Programme Proposal for the BDes Sound for the Moving Image and the BSc Immersive Systems

Cover Sheet

Robbie Mulholland, Clerk, Joint Liaison Committee of the University of Glasgow and The Glasgow School of Art

Brief description of the paper 

The attached report outlines proposals from the Glasgow School of Art (GSA) for the development of the following programmes:

1) BDes Sound for the Moving Image

2) BSc Immersive Systems

1) GSA is proposing that the BDes Sound for the Moving Image will be offered initially for Years 3 and 4 with articulation into Year 3 for students from HND programmes, or for mature students with relevant experience. GSA is intending to expand the programme to a full four-year programme in subsequent years.

2) GSA is proposing that the BSc Immersive Systems follows a common structure in the first two years of the programme. In the third and fourth year, students will specialise in one of three specialist pathways and qualify with one of the following named awards:

  • BSc Hons Immersive Systems (User Experience)
  • BSc Hons Immersive Systems (Smart Technologies)
  • BSc Hons Immersive Systems (Visualisation)

Subject to approval by Academic Standards Committee, Programme Approval documentation will be developed by GSA in summer 2015 and submitted to the University in October 2015. GSA aims to recruit and enrol the first cohort in September 2016.

Action Requested 

Academic Standards Committee is asked to consider and approve, in principle, the above named programmes at The Glasgow School of Art.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

The Glasgow School of Art.

Resource implications 


Timescale for Implementation 

GSA aims to recruit and enrol the first cohort in September 2016.

Equality implications 

There are no equality implications in the Report.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson