ASC 14/08

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 3 October 2014

Periodic Subject Review: Update on Responses to the Recommendations arising from the Review of Postgraduate Taught Programmes in the College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences held on 22 and 23 November 2012

Cover Sheet

Mrs C Omand, Senior Academic Policy Manager

Brief description of the paper 

At its meeting on 15 April 2014, ASC received the 12-month update report from the review of PGT Medicine which detailed the responses and the progress made to date in implementing the recommendations. It was noted that the PSR Convener confirmed that, from the documentation provided, MVLS had taken the recommendations very seriously and had responded with appropriate action, and that no more could be expected at this stage. The ASC reviewers agreed that MVLS should be commended for the detailed response to the recommendations, and noted that their strategy document had resulted from detailed discussions between the key stakeholders. It was also noted that the restructuring of PGT provision and the renewed vigour for international recruitment and collaboration had been well thought out.

A number of small points for clarification were referred to the College of MVLS:

  1. Confirmation was sought on whether the market assessment had incorporated recruitment opportunities associated with a January start, and if this has been considered by the College a reference on this would be informative.
  2. In noting the intention to stop the sharing of UG and PGT courses, confirmation is sought on whether courses will be available to senior undergraduates studying at level 11.
  3. It was noted that the review of PGT annual monitoring reports would be undertaken by the PTC, but it would be useful to know whether there will be a mechanism for coordination with the review of the UG reports, and any common themes identified.

As a final point, it was not clear whether the restructuring of the PGT programmes had included any rationalising of the number of programmes, for example by offering a range of specialisations from a core set of MSc programmes. It was noted that this approach had recently been proposed within Engineering and might be something for the College of MVLS to consider.

Action Requested 

Academic Standards Committee is asked to consider the adequacy of the responses attached and the progress made.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

None identified.

Resource implications 

No direct resource implications have been identified.

Timescale for Implementation 

As outlined.

Equality implications 

No specific implications identified, although the School should continue to embed consideration of equality and diversity in all its procedures and provision.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson, Senate Office