ASC 13/89
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Tuesday 15 April 2014
ELIR Early Draft Outcome Report
Cover Sheet
Frank Coton, Vice Principal (Learning and Teaching)
The Quality Assurance Agency provides a short draft ‘outcome report’ to institutions one week following the conclusion of the Enhancement-led Institutional Review visits. The draft Outcome Report confirms the effectiveness judgement and lays out areas of identified good practice and areas for development.
The Report confirms that:
“The University of Glasgow has effective arrangements for managing academic standards and the student learning experience. These arrangements are likely to continue to be effective in the future.
This is a positive judgement, which means the University has robust arrangements for securing academic standards and for enhancing the quality of the student experience.”
The report is very positive and reflects the very positive experience the Review Team had while undertaking the visits and meeting staff and students.
This report is in draft stages and may be amended slightly before publication – the University will request minor changes to some of the ‘areas for development’ to ensure greater clarity.
The Outcome Report will be augmented by the Technical Report which will provide a great deal more detail.
All staff and students will be notified of the positive outcome once the reports have been finalised.
Any questions can be directed to Gavin Lee (