ASC 13/77

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Tuesday 15 April 2014

Report from the Programme Approval Group for the College of Social Sciences, held on 27 March 2014

Cover Sheet

Ms H Clegg, Senate Office

Brief description of the paper 

Report of the ASC Programme Approval Group for the College of Social Sciences. The Group met on 27 March 2014 to consider proposals for new programmes and major changes to existing programmes.

Action Requested 

ASC is requested to note the observations of the Programme Approval Group and to confirm its recommendations.

The PAG recommends the following programmes subject to the satisfactory outcome of actions identified in the report:

Certificate of Higher Education in Counselling Skills (New)

Certificate of Higher Education in Psychology (New)

Diploma of Higher Education in Egyptology (New)

MSc Urban Transport (New)

Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (New)

Postgraduate Certificate in Legal Education (New)

MSc Finance & Management (Change)

MSc International Business & Entrepreneurship (Change)

MSc International Management & Leadership (Change)

MSc International Strategic Marketing (Change)

MSc International Strategic Marketing (EIA) (Change)

MSc International Management & Design Innovation (Change)*

MSc International Real Estate & Management (Change)*

MSc Management (Change)*

MSc Management with Enterprise & Business Growth (Change)*

MSc Management with Human Resources (Change)*

MSc Management with International Finance (Change)*

Proposals marked with an asterisk* have been submitted without a market assessment by RIO. Although this is required before final approval can be granted, the PAG nonetheless recommends the proposals at this stage as they are change, not new, proposals.

The PAG cannot recommend approval of the following programmes at present for the reasons outlined in the report:

MSc Tourism, Heritage & Development (New)

MSc Tourism, Heritage & Sustainability (New)

MSc Public Policy & Management (Change)

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

Actions requested will be taken forward by College administrative staff and progress monitored by the Clerk of the Programme Approval Group.

Resource implications 

As identified by proposers.

Timescale for Implementation 

As soon as possible.

Equality implications 

Not applicable.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson