ASC 13/63

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 14 February 2014

Periodic Subject Review: Update on Responses to Recommendation 2 arising from the Review of School of Physics and Astronomy held on 13 and 14 February 2012

Cover Sheet

Mrs Catherine Omand, Senate Office

Brief description of the paper 

At its meeting on 15 November 2013 Academic Standards Committee received a report on progress with a number of recommendations identified previously by ASC. For Recommendation 2, it was noted disabled access to the common room remained an issue as structural alterations were found to have prohibitive costs. An alternative solution of relocation of the common room had been considered but was dismissed as alternative "locations are not readily available". ASC agreed that further consideration was required to try and address the issue of accessibility for disabled students and staff, and therefore it was agreed that a space audit should be requested in order to try and identify alternative space. A report back on progress was requested for February 2014.

Action Requested 

Academic Standards Committee is asked to consider the adequacy of the updated responses and the progress made.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

None identified.

Resource implications 

No direct resource implications have been identified.

Timescale for Implementation 

As outlined.

Equality implications 

The unresolved issue of disability access to the Common room in the Kelvin Building has equality implications.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson