ASC 13/117

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 23 May 2014

Scotland's Rural College: Report of the Review of Programmes in the Applied Science and Technology Subject Group

Cover Sheet

Kenneth Hutton, Academic Collaborations Office, Clerk to the Liaison Committee

Brief description of the paper 

This paper contains a report of the review of programmes in the subject group Applied Science and Technology at SRUC, held in February 2014.

Action Requested 

The Review Panel agreed to the following three recommendations to the Committee:

1. That the programmes listed below be re-validated as awards of the University for six years:

I. BSc (Hons) Applied Animal Science;

II. BSc (Hons) Applied Bioscience;

III. BSc (Hons) Green Technology.

2. That the BSc Applied Bioscience be offered under the revised title of BSc Agricultural Bioscience.

3. That the award of BSc Agricultural Science would not be revalidated and would be withdrawn.

The Committee is requested to approve the revalidation of the above programmes for a further six years from academic session 2014-15, subject to the conditions set by the Panel being met.

The conclusions of the Review Panel are contained in section 6.1 of the report and the conditions (four) set by the Review Panel, contained in section 6.3 of the report. The conditions relate to the expansion of core subjects in the Honours curriculum, including one elective module, and the inclusion of additional items in all module descriptors. In addition, the Panel made 7 advisory recommendations.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

SRUC, Academic Collaborations Office.

Resource implications 

Not applicable.

Timescale for Implementation 

Conditions to be met by programme teams prior to the commencement of session 2014-15.

Equality implications 

SRUC has an Equality and Diversity policy in place.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson