ASC 13/116

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 23 May 2014

Scotland's Rural College: Request for Postponement of the Institution-led Subject Review for Environmental Sciences

Cover Sheet

Kenneth Hutton, Academic Collaborations Office, Clerk to the Liaison Committee

Brief description of the paper 

The attached paper relates to a request from SRUC for postponement of the Institution-led Subject Review of Environmental Sciences.

Action Requested 

Academic Standards Committee is asked to approve the postponement of the Institution-led Subject Review for Environmental Sciences from session 2013-14 to session 2014-15. Such reviews normally take place every six years and the review was due to take place in session 2013-14. The recent institutional restructuring due to the merger of the former Scottish Agricultural College (SAC) with three other institutions to form SRUC in 2012-13, plus ELIR and FE Reviews occurring in session 2013-14 have all been a priority for SRUC and time has been compromised.

Additionally, a full review of the provision in the subject area of Environmental Sciences is required, particularly in light of the appointment of a new Head of Department. The intention to review provision in the subject and to restructure that provision to provide a more effective student experience requires further preparation, hence the request to postpone the review until session 2014-15.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

Dr Chris Smith, Academic Development Manager Higher Education, SRUC.

Resource implications 

There are no resource implications attached to the Report.

Timescale for Implementation 

Institutional-led Subject Review proposed to take place in session 2014-15.

Equality implications 

There are no equality implications.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson