ASC 13/114

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 23 May 2014

The Glasgow School of Art: Programme Approvals - Session 2013/14

Cover Sheet

Kenneth Hutton, Academic Collaborations Office

Brief description of the paper 

The Glasgow School of Art has submitted the following proposals for ASC consideration and approval:

1. Proposal for the validation of a new programme:

MLitt Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art)

The MLitt Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art) is a new Joint Programme taught in conjunction with the School of Culture and Creative Arts. In addition to the validation process undertaken at Glasgow School of Art, the programme was also recommended to ASC for approval by the Programme Approval Group for the College of Arts held on 20 March 2014. Normally a joint programme with a validated partner would be considered through the validation procedures and would not require to be submitted to a Programme Approval Group. However, in this case additional scrutiny was undertaken.

The minutes of the (GSA) Undergraduate and Postgraduate Committee Programme Pre-approval Group (Stage 1 validation event) held on 16 April 2014 is also attached for information. It provides more detail of the discussions relating to the proposal.

2. Major Programme Amendment:

MLitt Fine Art Practice

The proposed amendments to the MLitt Fine Art Practice programme consists of the addition of one new pathway (Drawing) and two pathway title changes: (Printmaking to Print Media) and (Photography to Photography and the Moving Image). The former is outlined in Section 2 on page 7 in the attached paper and the latter in Sections 3-4 on page 8.

Action Requested 

The Academic Standards Committee is asked to approve:

1. The validation of the joint programme - MLitt Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art) for a six year period commencing academic session 2014-15.

2. The amendments to the MLitt Fine Art Practice as outlined.

The Academic Standards Committee is asked to note for information that at its meeting of 14 May 2014, GSA’s Academic Council approved a Certificate of Higher Education: Continuing Education programme. This is sub degree provision, so is therefore not a University validated programme.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

GSA and UoG staff where relevant.

Resource implications 

The School of Culture and Creative Arts will be required to agree with GSA the appropriate distribution of tuition fees in relation to the MLitt Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art) programme.

No resource implications associated with the proposed amendments to the MLitt Fine Art Practice programme.

Timescale for Implementation 

The intention would be for both proposals to be effective from the start of academic session 2014-2015.

Equality implications 

MLitt Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art) and MLitt Fine Art Practice: the Programme Team should undertake an Equality Assessment in session 2014/15.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson