ASC 13/113

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 23 May 2014

The Glasgow School of Art: Update on Programme Approval Recommendations - Session 2012/13

Cover Sheet

Kenneth Hutton, Academic Collaborations Office

Brief description of the paper 

Academic Standards Committee considered a paper outlining the validation of the MSc Visualisation for academic session 2012/13 at its meeting on 24 May 2013.

The attached paper outlines an update on the recommendations set out by GSA’s Undergraduate and Postgraduate Committee.

Action Requested 

The Academic Standards Committee is asked to note the update on five advisory recommendations for academic session 2012/13 which are outlined in the attached paper.

Academic Standards Committee is asked to note that Recommendations 1 – 3 have been addressed, Recommendation 4 is ongoing and Recommendation 5 will be addressed at a GSA-wide review during academic session 2014/15.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

Ms Lisa Davidson, Policy Officer.

Resource implications 

There are no resource implications.

Timescale for Implementation 

As outlined above.

Equality implications 

There is an equality issue for part-time students in that they do not have access to access of tutorial and mentoring support as indicated in Recommendation 5. This is being addressed, however, as indicated above: i.e. at a GSA-wide review during academic session 2014/15.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson