ASC 13/110
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Friday 23 May 2014
Periodic Subject Review: A Reflective and Critical Evaluation of the Second Six Year Cycle (2008-14)
Cover Sheet
Ms Fiona Dick, Ms Jane McAllister and Mrs Catherine Omand, Senate Office
Periodic Subject Review is the University’s system of Institution led subject review. PSR operates on a six year cycle and reached the end of its second cycle in 2013-14.
The process has been under continuous review and development since it was established as DPTLA* in 2002-3, including a major review at the end of the first six-year cycle and a restructuring and name change to Periodic Subject Review (PSR) in 2009-10, reflecting the restructuring of the University to schools and colleges.
The Vice-Principal (Learning and Teaching) and the Senate Office agreed a plan for a reflective, critical evaluation of the second six-year cycle. The attached paper summarises the evaluation and its conclusions and contains a number of recommendations to enhance the process for the next cycle.
*Review of Departmental Programmes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment