ASC 13/110

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 23 May 2014

Periodic Subject Review: A Reflective and Critical Evaluation of the Second Six Year Cycle (2008-14)

Cover Sheet

Ms Fiona Dick, Ms Jane McAllister and Mrs Catherine Omand, Senate Office

Brief description of the paper 

Periodic Subject Review is the University’s system of Institution led subject review. PSR operates on a six year cycle and reached the end of its second cycle in 2013-14.

The process has been under continuous review and development since it was established as DPTLA* in 2002-3, including a major review at the end of the first six-year cycle and a restructuring and name change to Periodic Subject Review (PSR) in 2009-10, reflecting the restructuring of the University to schools and colleges.

The Vice-Principal (Learning and Teaching) and the Senate Office agreed a plan for a reflective, critical evaluation of the second six-year cycle. The attached paper summarises the evaluation and its conclusions and contains a number of recommendations to enhance the process for the next cycle.

*Review of Departmental Programmes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Action Requested 

Academic Standards Committee is asked to consider and approve the recommendations listed in the attached paper.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

Senate Office.

Resource implications 

No direct resource implications have been identified.

Timescale for Implementation 

Session 2014-15.

Equality implications 

No specific implications identified.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson