ASC 12/79

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 24 May 2013

College Annual Monitoring Summary – Revised PGT Proforma

Cover Sheet

Dr Martin Macauley - College Quality Officer

Brief description of the paper 

Having reviewed the Annual Monitoring process for 2012, Quality Officers Forum agreed that there was considerable duplication between the undergraduate and postgraduate college summary forms, and that some of the questions were more appropriate for undergraduate provision. It was therefore recommended that the postgraduate college summary proforma be revised so that the information provided, be an addendum to the undergraduate summary.

The paper contains the revisions to the postgraduate college summary proforma.

Action Requested 

ASC is asked to approve the amended proforma.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

College Quality Officers.

Resource implications 

Not applicable.

Timescale for Implementation 

For 2012-13 reporting period.

Equality implications 



Prepared by: Karen Robertson