ASC 12/63
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Tuesday 16 April 2013
School of Education: Planned Reshaping of Initial Teacher Education
Cover Sheet
Helen Butcher, Senate Office
The School of Education is planning to revise its undergraduate provision for initial teacher education to include Masters level study in the undergraduate curriculum. Following consideration of an outline proposal on revision of the undergraduate curriculum which included the introduction of an integrated Masters programme, ASC agreed at its last meeting that clarification was required on the following aspects of the proposal:
- The total number of credits for the full five year degree and detailed consideration of the total amount of level 11 credit on the programme (and the impact of the level 11 credit in year 4 particularly);
- Exit provision for students in year 4 who fail to achieve the requirements for the Masters Diploma, or who at this later stage decide against the vocational option and no longer wish to pursue a career in teaching;
- Support for students undertaking the final stage to attain the Masters degree, ensuring they could balance the work in their new career with academic study;
- Consideration of the final award and whether a degree classification would be offered for the integrated Masters degree.
The attached information has been provided by Ms Boland and Dr Dickson for ASC to review.
The School has also confirmed that the title Master of Education with Teaching Qualification (MEduc) would be their preferred title for the final award.
ASC is asked to consider the supplementary information provided (see p3) in order to consider recommendation of in-principle approval of the proposed new MEduc programme to EdPSC.