ASC 12/18

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 5 October 2012

Scottish Agricultural College: Proposed Programmes in Professional Agricultural Practice

Cover Sheet

Geraldine Perriam, Clerk to the SAC Liaison Committee

Brief description of the paper 

The attached proposal is an outline planning document for a PgCert/PgDip/MSc in Professional Agricultural Practice for the Scottish Agricultural College (SAC)/SRUC. If approved, the programme would normally undergo validation in early 2013 and would commence with its first intake of students in session 2013-2014.

SAC/SRUC offers programmes that are validated by the University. It is intended that this proposal become an award of UoG.

The Committee is asked to note that the regulations governing the proposed programme would be the generic Regulations for Taught Masters Degrees – Scottish Agricultural College: SAC.7 (PG).

Action Requested 

The Committee is asked to approve the proposed programme for validation in early 2013, subject to any conditions deemed appropriate by the Committee.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

SAC/SRUC and the Senate Office.

Resource implications 

There are no resource implications attached to the Report.

Timescale for Implementation 

If approved by the Committee, the proposal would then progress to a programme validation event in early 2013, with the first intake of students (if all conditions of approval are met) in September 2013.

Equality implications 

SAC/SRUC has an equality and diversity programme in place.


*As of 1 October, 2012, The Scottish Agricultural College will be known as SRUC due to its merger with Barony, Elmwood and Oakridge Colleges.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson