ASC 12/10

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 5 October 2012

QAA Quality Code for Higher Education: Consultation on Chapter B10: Management of collaborative arrangements

Cover Sheet

Wendy E Muir, Assistant Director of Senate Office

Brief description of the paper 

The QAA is revising its guidance on collaborative arrangements as part of its development and revision of the UK Quality Code for Higher Education (the Quality Code). Chapter B10: Management of collaborative arrangements will supersede two sections of the former QAA Code of Practice.

Chapter B10: Management of collaborative arrangements is now open to public consultation and will close on Friday 19 October 2012. In addition, the QAA will be running a consultation event in Edinburgh on 16 October. Details on this event and how to book are available on the QAA’s events page.

The QAA intends to publish the final version of Chapter B10 by Christmas 2012.

The following documents are attached:

  • Background paper including general comments on the draft and an identification of areas that the University will need to consider
  • QAA background document
  • The consultation draft of Chapter B10
  • The consultation survey questions
Action Requested 

Members are invited to comment on the draft Chapter, particularly as it applies to work-based and placement learning and study abroad in addition to more traditional forms of academic collaboration (e.g. joint degrees, validation, etc.).

Some general comments on the Chapter have been included in the paper but these are from the perspective of the more traditional forms of academic collaboration.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

The Senate Office is co-ordinating the response to the consultation.

Resource implications 

None at this stage. There may be additional resource requirements in due course in addressing the requirements of the Chapter as it applies to work-based and placement learning and study abroad.

Timescale for Implementation 

Comments should be submitted by 10 October to Lesley Reid (

Equality implications 

None identified.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson