ASC 11/14

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 7 October 2011

Actions Arising from Annual Monitoring Report (Session 2009-10)

Cover Sheet

Ms H Butcher, Clerk to the Committee

Brief description of the paper 

The report provides responses received to date on matters which were identified for the attention of the University in the Annual Monitoring Report (Session 2009-10) presented to ASC in May 2011. In each case, University officers were asked to provide at least an initial response by September 2011. These responses will be circulated to the College and School Quality Officers who contributed to the Annual Monitoring Report.

In some cases, responses have questioned the use of the annual monitoring process to raise issues and/or have suggested alternative approaches which are considered to be more effective and timely in achieving action to address the issues of concern. These have been highlighted in the report. For example, the response from Estates and Buildings confirms that Estates improvements can only be processed through the University’s Capital Plan which is updated regularly with full input from Heads of College. It is also pointed out by the Director of Estates and Buildings that many of the individual accommodation issues highlighted by Schools would best be addressed through the E&B helpdesk, while others relating to AV equipment should be referred directly to AV-IT Services.

Action Requested 

ASC is invited to comment on the responses received, and to:

i) confirm whether any revision of the annual monitoring process is required to ensure that appropriate concerns are raised through this process, and other issues are directed elsewhere at an earlier stage;

ii) confirm whether it would be appropriate to amend the student carers’ policy to include a similar clause to that in the Religion and Belief Equality Policy thus permitting carers to highlight special circumstances early on which Registry could try and accommodate when setting examination timetables (see A3, Issue 1);

iii) confirm whether issues 13 and 15 in A1 should be re-directed to the Joint Strategic Management Board for GIC; and,

iv) consider whether updates on progress with actions should be requested from

  • The Director of RIO for issues 1 and 14 in A1 following further input from the College of Arts and School of Veterinary Medicine respectively;
  • The Clerk of Senate in relation to actions for the Chief Advisers Sub-Committee (see A7);
  • The Head of EFL on the outcome of the meeting to discuss the request from Medicine to provide guidance on writing scientific reports for overseas students (see A14);
  • Items on AV in teaching space referred on to AV-IT Services (see A17, Section B).

ASC is invited to note the awaited response from the Director of IT Services as detailed in Section B. This will be reported to ASC once it is received.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

Senate Office, or as specified in the paper.

Resource implications 

Some items have specific timescales as detailed in the paper.

Timescale for Implementation 

None identified.

Equality implications 

None identified.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson