ASC 11/03
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Friday 7 October 2011
Report from the Meeting of Academic Regulations Sub-Committee held on 22 September 2011
Cover Sheet
Professor Tom Guthrie, Convener
Brief description of the paper
Items for approval
ASC is asked to consider ARSC’s proposals:
- That provision is added to the regulations on Incomplete Assessment and Good Cause allowing up to 25% of any stated attendance requirement to be waived where Good Cause is established.
- That students being considered for the award of an unclassified honours degree arising from Incomplete Assessment and Good cause would not need to have satisfied the normal requirement in relation to completion of a dissertation
- That where honours assessment has been affected by good cause, and 75% or more of the course assessment has been completed, a grade should be returned for the course, and that where less than 75% of the course assessment has been completed, a grade of MV should be returned for that course.
Items for noting
- ARSC is gathering further information in relation to the operation of discretion in the award of honours classifications and the award of merit and distinction on PGT programmes, and will report to ASC further following consultation with Schools and Colleges.
- ARSC is consulting with Colleges on proposed amendments to the principles applying to assessment of visiting students and will bring firm proposals to ASC later in the session.
- ARSC is consulting with professional programmes in order to review the operation of the Code of Assessment in relation to assessment on these programmes.