ASC 10/39

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 18 February 2011

Report from Meeting of Academic Regulations Sub-Committee – 8 February 2011

Cover Sheet

Professor Tom Guthrie, Convener of Sub-Committee

Brief description of the paper 

Report of meeting held on 8 February 2011.

Action Requested 

1. Rounding of grades

ASC is invited to consider a proposal that reference to an unrounded mean be added to the criteria permitted to be taken into account by Exam Boards when considering candidates in the discretionary zones between honours classifications (cross-referring to the report from Short Life Working Group on Discretion in Award of Honours Classifications).

2. Achieving consistency in Good Cause decisions

ASC is asked to note that further information on this issue will be added to the Guide to the Code of Assessment.

Currently responsibility for decisions in relation to claims of Good Cause lies with Heads of Schools. ARSC invites ASC to consider whether this responsibility should lie elsewhere.

3. Eligibility for reassessment in all components

ASC is asked to note the view reached by ARSC, that following introduction of rules permitting reassessment in any or all components of a course where the overall course threshold has not been achieved, the position should remain unchanged that for each component of assessment the student should be credited with the better of the two results achieved.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

Where appropriate, Senate Office will take forward the development of new regulations for introduction into the University Calendar 2011-12 and the development and dissemination of supporting guidance.

Resource implications 

None known.

Timescale for Implementation 

Publication of 2011-12 Calendar and accompanying guidance in summer 2011.

Equality implications 



Prepared by: Karen Robertson