ASC 10/25
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Monday 22 November 2010
Cover Sheet
Ms Fiona Dick, Senate Office
At the meeting held on 28 May 2010, Academic Standards Committee received the update on progress with recommendations from the above review held in February 2009 and noted that these had been reviewed by the Vice Principal (Learning & Teaching) in the absence of the Panel Convener who had retired. While the Vice Principal was satisfied that the majority of the recommendations had been given full and appropriate consideration, there was discussion surrounding a number of issues.
Firstly, in respect of both recommendations 2 and 11, ASC noted the Department’s comments regarding the teaching staff on unpopular courses, and members were concerned that teaching differences could be allowed to hold back enhancement of learning, teaching and student support. The Committee agreed that the Department should undertake a further review of the issues raised in recommendations 2 and 11.
Secondly, it was noted that the issue of founding a GTA forum (recommendation 7) had not been addressed by the Head of Department, and that the Dean’s response suggested that this would best be dealt with at School level. ASC agreed that the Department should provide an update on this matter.
Thirdly, it was noted that the Department had not been able to run small group tutorials in Level 2 due to a lack of small group tutorial rooms (recommendation 8). ASC agreed that this matter should be referred to the Director of Estates and Buildings for a response on the accommodation situation.
The Head of School’s letter of response is attached at Annex 1.