ASC 10/21

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Monday 22 November 2010

Six Year Timetable for Periodic Subject Review

Cover Sheet

Ms H Butcher, Clerk to the Committee

Brief description of the paper 

The paper provides the current schedule of reviews to be undertaken in the next 6 year cycle of Periodic Subject Review from 2010-11 to 2015-16. This schedule may be subject to change, particularly from 2011-12 onwards. Reviews have been organised either by School, or by appropriate groupings of academic Subject Areas.

Action Requested 

ASC is requested to note this paper.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

No further action identified.

Resource implications 

None identified.

Timescale for Implementation 

Not applicable.

Equality implications 

None identified.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson