ASC 10/19

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Monday 22 November 2010

Programme Approval - Follow-Up on Internal Audit Recommendation 5 - Report of Meeting with College Deans for Learning & Teaching

Cover Sheet

Ms H Butcher, Clerk to the Committee

Brief description of the paper 

In 2009, there was an internal audit of the University's programme approval process, conducted by Deloitte. The resulting recommendations have been addressed, with the exception of Recommendation 5, for which it was agreed that action should be deferred until the new University structure was in place.

This report details the discussion of this matter by College Deans of Learning and Teaching at a meeting on 8 November 2010 and contains two recommendations. It also highlights an initial discussion regarding the ELIR recommendation relating to external input to course and programme approval.

Action Requested 

Academic Standards Committee is invited to approve the two recommendations.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

College Board of Studies (or equivalent) and ASC Programme Approval Groups.

Resource implications 

None identified.

Timescale for Implementation 

Immediate, with ongoing monitoring.

Equality implications 

Not applicable.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson