ASC 10/08
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Friday 8 October 2010
DPTLA Reviews 2009-10: Summary of Recommendations
Cover Sheet
Ms Fiona Dick, Senate Office
An examination of the recommendations made by DPTLA Review Panels in Session 2009-10 has been undertaken with the aim of identifying themes or issues that might require attention at a broader level, either across a faculty or the University as a whole or which should feed into University strategies such as Learning and Teaching or Estates. Two main themes have been identified, as follows: Resources for Learning and Teaching and Assessment, Feedback and Achievement. Six other broader categories have also been identified: curriculum design, development and content; student progression; retention and support; assuring and enhancing the quality of the students’ learning experience; the quality of learning opportunities; internationalisation; communication; and strategy and planning.
Academic Standards Committee is asked to note that requests to take forward individual recommendations have been made by the Senate Office following the Committee's consideration of the individual DPTLA reports. University level action is already in progress in relation to some of the key areas and is noted in the report.
Academic Standards Committee is asked to consider whether further University-wide action is required as follows:
- Issuing a reminder to Heads of Schools, detailing the relative responsibilities of Colleges, Schools, and University Services in providing support to probationary staff members, including workload allocation, training and mentoring opportunities (see paragraph 2.1(iv) above)
Action: Director of Human Resources.