ASC 10/07

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 8 October 2010

Departmental Programmes of Teaching, Learning and Assessments: Responses to Recommendations Arising from the Review of Chemistry held on 10 and 11 March 2009

Cover Sheet

Ms Fiona Dick, Clerk to the Review Panel

Brief description of the paper 

At its meeting on 9 October 2009, Academic Standards Committee received the Report of the Review of Departmental Programmes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment of the Department of Chemistry held on 10 and 11 March 2009. Following consideration by the Committee, the recommendations were forwarded for action to the relevant staff. The attached report summarises the responses and confirms the progress to date. The report has been considered by the Convener of the Review Panel, who expressed concern that a number of recommendations appeared to be unresolved eighteen months after the review and encourages the new Head of School to progress the open issues by the time of the return visit early next year. In particular attention was drawn to the following:

  • Recommendation 3. To note an initial meeting between Dr McCulloch and Head of Teaching had taken place and that the School planned to invite Dr McCulloch to the School’s Learning and Teaching Committee meetings and for her to participate in all curriculum reviews;
  • Recommendation 4. To note that the progression issue was ongoing. To note initial meeting between Dr McCulloch and Head of Teaching to discuss strategies for student progression and future meetings were to be scheduled;
  • Recommendation 5. To note plan for Head of School and Vice Principal (Strategy and Resources) to meet to discuss funding of future initiatives in teaching was to be scheduled;
  • Recommendation 6. To note that the AV equipment issue had been resolved but that the problem of restricted sightlines in lecture theatre was pending confirmation of refurbishment programme. To note the role of the Teaching Infrastructure Working Group to develop a future strategy for investment in teaching space and in particular the prioritisation of existing refurbishment plans.
  • Recommendation 9. To note that a review of assessment feedback processes and in particular timescales for return of work, was work in progress. However given the importance and urgency of this recommendation, the School was urged to close this action off quickly;
  • Recommendation 10. To note that the School was liaising with the Learning and Teaching Centre to identify good practice in relation to the preparation of students for non-traditional assignments, which will be adopted by the School for implementation in 2010-11. To note that the University’s Assessment Policy was pending final approval, subject to the development of a final section of the equivocal treatment of marks received from Partner Institutions.
Action Requested 

Academic Standards Committee is asked to:

  1. consider the adequacy of the responses and the progress made;
  2. recommend action as appropriate.
Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

As identified in the report.

Resource implications 

Not applicable.

Timescale for Implementation 

As outlined.

Equality implications 

No specific implications identified.


Prepared by: Janet Fleming, Senate Office