ASC 10/04
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Friday 8 October 2010
Actions Arising from Annual Monitoring Report (Session 2008-09)
Cover Sheet
Ms Helen Butcher, Clerk to the Committee
The table attached provides responses received to date on actions which were identified from the Annual Monitoring Report (Session 2008-09) presented to ASC in May 2010. In each case, those contacted were asked to provide at least an initial response by late September. These responses will be circulated to former Faculty Quality Assurance and Enhancement Officers who contributed to the Annual Monitoring Report. They will also be forwarded to the University's new Quality Officers Group.
The Convener and Clerk of ASC met with the Convener and Clerk of FQAEO Group in June to discuss the issue of ensuring adequate feedback was provided to staff on actions arising from the annual monitoring process. The email detailed in Appendix 1 which was sent to all academic staff is an outcome of these discussions.
Professors Caie and Coton brought to SMG's notice the concerns raised by ASC regarding the potential impact of proposed staffing reductions as detailed in paragraph 10 of minute ASC/2009/74.
ASC is invited to comment on the responses received.
ASC is invited to note the awaited responses which will be reported once they are received. Those received after 30 September 2010 can be found here - ASC 10/04-addendum.