ASC 09/95

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 28 May 2010

Departmental Programmes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment: Responses to the Recommendations Arising from the Review of Department of English Language held on Friday 20 February 2009

Cover Sheet

Ms Fiona Dick, Senate Office

Brief description of the paper 

At its meeting on 29 May 2009, Academic Standards Committee received the Report of the Review of Departmental Programmes of Teaching Learning and Assessment of the Department of English Language held on 20 February 2009. Following consideration by the Committee, the recommendations were forwarded for action to the relevant staff for action. The attached report details the responses and the progress to date in taking forward the recommendations. The Convener of the Review Panel considers that while satisfactory responses have been provided for the majority of recommendations, there are two where work is ongoing.

The Convenor of the Review Panel also noted the comments included at the end of the report, which highlighted concerns raised by the Department in relation to its status and the planned dispersal of administrative support, within the new structure. English Language is one of the outstanding Departments in the University and its teaching is very highly regarded, both by its own students and external assessors. The Convenor of the Review Panel recommends that an update response on the recommendations noted below should be requested after a period of six months for the November 2010 meeting of the Academic Standards Committee.

Action Requested 

Academic Standards Committee is asked to consider the adequacy of the responses and the progress made to the following recommendations, which the Convenor of the Review Panel considers to be satisfactory:

1, 3, 5, 6, 7.

Academic Standards Committee is also asked to consider the need for update responses in relation to:

  • Recommendation 2: reviewing student take-up of opportunities for study abroad. The Convenor notes that while out-going study abroad in this subject is limited, some students have taken up this option and the Department continues to review procedures to increase student participation. He recommends that ASC encourage the Department to continue discussions to identify and share good practice at College level to take this forward, and that an update be requested in six months time;
  • Recommendation 4: in respect of technical support provided by HATII in the STELLA Laboratory. The Convenor notes the concerns raised in relation to continued support of HATII due to its relocation in a distinct School and recommends that ASC request an update in six months time once arrangements for cross –School provision have been clarified.
Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

Head of Department (Recommendations 2, 4)

Resource implications 

There might be resource implications for the Department depending on cross-School provision.

Timescale for Implementation 

Additional responses should be reported to the November 2010 meeting of ASC.

Equality implications 

Not applicable.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson, Senate Office