ASC 09/74
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Friday 28 May 2010
Report from Academic Regulations Sub-Committee
Cover Sheet
Professor Tom Guthrie, Convener of the Sub-Committee
Brief description of the paper
A report of the discussions of Academic Regulations Sub-Committee on 7 May 2010.
Action Requested
Academic Standards Committee is asked to:
- Consider further proposals from ARSC for the harmonisation of regulations, in relation to:
- The weighting to be applied to different years in the calculation of Honours classification of integrated Masters degrees, and
- Requirements for entry to Honours
- Consider the proposal to re-introduce into undergraduate regulations the requirement that the final year of study for a University of Glasgow award be undertaken at Glasgow.
- Consider ARSC's proposal for the harmonisation of requirements for merit and distinction in non-honours awards.
- Consider the proposal for an amended regulation in relation to progress on certain degree programmes.
- Note that ARSC will be undertaking a review of non-generic postgraduate regulations in session 2010-11.
Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward
If the proposals are approved by ASC, the required regulations will be prepared by Senate Office in liaison with the Academic Regulations Sub-Committee, for approval by the Convener of ASC and the Clerk of Senate under summer powers.