ASC 09/64

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 23 April 2010

Removal of Schedule C and Transition to 22 Grade Point Scale: Implementation of the New GPA Calculation from 2011-12

Cover Sheet

Ms Helen Butcher, Clerk to the Committee

Brief description of the paper 

Following a meeting with members of SLP, Senate Office and MIS, the attached paper was prepared to outliine proposals for the transition of current students to the new grade point values when these are introduced in 2011-12. The paper also outlines the results of some subsequent grade profile analysis undertaken by Dr Whittaker.

Action Requested 

ASC is invited to consider the paper and the recommendations and options concerning the transition of current students.

ASC is also invited to discuss the findings detailed in the final section of the report: Grade Profile Analysis.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward 

SLP and Senate Office.

Resource implications 

Not applicable.

Timescale for Implementation 

Schedule C will be removed in 2011-12.

Equality implications 

Not applicable.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson, Senate Office