ASC 09/35
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Friday 20 November 2009
Enhancement-led Institutional Review Update
Cover Sheet
Wendy E Muir, Assistant Director, Senate Office
Brief description of the paper
An update on the on the Enhancement-led Institutional Review visit, which is in progress.
The Part 1 visit was held on 20 and 21 October when the review team:
- received a presentation from the Deputy Principal and Vice Principal (R&E) and the SRC Presidents for 2008-09 and 2009-10,
- met with three groups; senior staff; students with a representative function; and with academic staff involved with recent internal review processes.
At the conclusion of Part 1, the review team provided us with the programme for the Part 2 visit (23-27 November), details of the themes that they wish to explore and of any associated documentation that they wish to see. These are attached.
The over arching themes are detailed below.
- Role of the faculties in the development and implementation of University strategies, and in the management of quality assurance and enhancement
- The committee structure and role of the committees in facilitating management of quality (in particular at faculty level) – connectivity and workflow
- Collaborative and validated provision
- Internationalisation, and elements of the strategy
The team confirmed that they consider the arrangements in place for student representation and for PGR provision and PGR students are sufficiently robust, and will not be pursuing these as themes for the Part 2 visit.
The Senate Office is taking forward arrangements for the Part 2 visit and is co-ordinating requests for documentation or information asked for by the review team. We are in the process of identifying staff and students to participate in the meetings with the reviewers and briefing meetings will be provided.
Members are asked to note the themes for the Part 2 visit.
Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward
Not applicable.
None other than staff time.
Not applicable.
We will aim to ensure that equality issues are taken into consideration in the make-up of the groups that will meet with the review team, where this is feasible.