ASC 09/34

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 20 November 2009

The Reflective Analysis - Section 5

Cover Sheet

Wendy E Muir, Assistant Director, Senate Office

Brief description of the paper

The process of preparing the Reflective Analysis (RA) for the ELIR visit has been very helpful in reflecting on our progress and evaluating the impact of the range of strategic initiatives over the last five years. As a result of this reflection and evaluation we have identified broad areas for further enhancement and development, and these are summarised in Section 5 of Reflective Analysis. These will:

  • inform the current work to develop our strategic plan for the years 2010–2014 and the further development of the Learning & Teaching, Research and Knowledge Transfer and PGR Strategies, and
  • provide a focus for the future work of Senate committees, including EdPSC and its sub-committees.

Action Requested

Members are asked to note and comment on the areas identified for further enhancement and development with a view to considering future actions and priorities for ASC.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward

Vice Principals (Learning & Teaching) and (Research & Enterprise) and Conveners and Clerks of Senate Committees.

Resource implications

Not yet established.

Equality implications

Not yet established.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson