ASC 09/25

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 9 October 2009

Scottish Agricultural College: Report in Response to the Validation Report of Pg Cert/Pg Dip/MSc Applied Poultry Science

Cover Sheet

Rona Miller, Senate Office

Brief description of the paper

Academic Standards Committee members received, at the meeting on 29 May 2009, the report of a validation event held on 19 March 2009 at the Scottish Agricultural College, one of the University’s accredited institutions, in relation to their PgC/PgD/MSc part-time distance learning programmes in Applied Poultry Science (ASC/2008/67). Academic Standards Committee had approved the recommendation that these programmes be validated as awards of the University of Glasgow for a period of six years with effect from Session 2009-10 subject to four conditions and a number of recommendations, as detailed in the validation report.

The attached paper is the response from the Scottish Agriculture College to all the conditions and recommendations detailed in the validation report, demonstrating that they have been appropriately addressed.

Action Requested

ASC is asked to note the adoption of the conditions and recommendations in the PgC/PgD/MSc part-time distance learning programmes in Applied Poultry Science.

Resource implications

None identified.

Equality implications

Not applicable.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson