ASC 09/17

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 9 October 2009

QAA – Draft Master’s Degree Characteristics Reference Point

Cover Sheet

Ms Helen Butcher, Clerk to the Committee

Brief description of the paper

The QAA has developed a new reference point for those with an interest in, or responsibility for, master's degrees in the UK. This is currently in draft form and has been circulated to all universities for consultation.

QAA have stated that the reference point will be for advice and guidance purposes only and will not be a formal part of the Academic Infrastructure. It is intended to be of practical help to providers and other interested parties, including those wishing to understand more about the nature of UK master's degrees in general. Institutions are encouraged to consult the guidance contained in the document when designing, delivering and reviewing new and existing programmes, and when describing programmes in information intended for prospective students and others.

It is acknowledged that the landscape for taught postgraduate degrees in the UK is complex, and the draft reference point seeks to reflect and accommodate current diversity of programme type, including aims, mode of delivery, methods of teaching, learning and assessment, and intended outcomes, rather than to prescribe any particular model. At the same time QAA also encourages Higher education institutions to be as clear as possible in describing their programmes and locating them amidst the diversity that currently exists, drawing upon the characteristics identified in the draft reference point as appropriate.

Action Requested

ASC is invited to comment on the draft Master’s Degree Characteristics reference point. Comments will be fed into the drafting process for the University’s response to QAA.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward

The Clerk will transmit comments from ASC for inclusion in the University’s response.

Resource implications

None identified.

Timescale for Implementation

The response deadline for the QAA consultation is 27 November 2009.

Equality implications

None identified.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson