ASC 09/15

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 9 October 2009

Good Practice in Internal Subject Review

Cover Sheet

Wendy E Muir, Senate Office

Brief description of the paper

A good practice report on internal subject review was commissioned by Universities Scotland Teaching Quality Forum, and managed by QAA Scotland, as part of a number of enhancement projects during the interim period between the first and second rounds of ELIR.

The good practice report on internal subject review was published in June 2009 and is available at:

Action Requested

ASC is asked to note:

i) the availability of the report; and

ii) that some enhancements have been made to the DPTLA process in the light of approaches to internal subject review elsewhere in the Scottish sector and suggestions made at the workshop associated with the project. Changes made are detailed in section 2 of the short report attached.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson