ASC 09/100
University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Friday 28 May 2010
Cover Sheet
Ms Fiona Dick, Senate Office
Brief description of the paper
At the meeting on 29 May 2009, Academic Standards Committee requested a further update to responses to recommendations arising from the Review of the Department of Classics held on 25 February 2008, in relation to the Report’s following Recommendations:
- Recommendation 8 on the review of teaching profiles to allow larger group teaching and reduce amount of time spent on small group teaching. An update should be provided after the staffing situation has been resolved.
- Recommendation 13 on inclusion of aims of ILOs and highlighting transferrable skills. It was agreed to request a fuller response to this recommendation to include reference to transferrable skills.
- Recommendation 16 concerning replacement of examinations with continuous assessment for postgraduate students. It was confirmed that a mixture of assessment methods should be encouraged and that a further update on Postgraduate assessment was required.
- Recommendation 19 which requested the SRC to ensure that student representatives be given instructions on minute writing. ASC agreed with the SRC’s response that the practice of students taking minutes should be discontinued; and therefore requested that the Department should make alternative arrangements and provide an update on these.