ASC 08/88

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 29 May 2009

Summary Report of the Review Visit to the Linked Work Training Trust (Central), Grangemouth

Cover Sheet

Mrs Jackie McCluskey, Senate Office

Brief description of the paper

Report of the Review visit to the Linked Work Training Trust (Central) held on 25 February 2009.

Action Requested

Academic Standards Committee is asked to receive and to note the report and approve the recommendations set out in paragraph 1.

Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward

A Memorandum of Agreement will be developed. This will be completed by the Senate Office and LWTT in liaison with the Department of Urban Studies.

Resource implications

Not applicable.

Timescale for Implementation

It is anticipated that the Memorandum of Agreement will be in place for the start of next session (2009-10).

Equality implications

Not applicable.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson