ASC 08/81

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 29 May 2009

Revalidation Report – Bachelor of Architecture (Honours) / Diploma in Architecture / Master of Architecture (by Conversion)

Cover Sheet

Mrs Jackie McCluskey, Senate Office

Brief description of the paper

In line with the University’s validation procedures the Bachelor of Architecture (Honours); Diploma in Architecture and the Master of Architecture (by Conversion) programmes were due to be considered for revalidation during session 2008-09.

A Report of the Revalidation event held on Wednesday 11 March 2009 is attached.

Action Requested

Academic Standards Committee is requested to note the Report and, subject to the approval of Academic Council in June 2009, to approve the recommendation that the Bachelor of Architecture (Honours); Diploma in Architecture and the Master of Architecture (by Conversion) programmes be revalidated as degrees of the University of Glasgow for a period of six years with effect from Session 2009-10 subject to the recommendation (1) noted in paragraph 2.0 being met.

Resource implications

No direct resource implications have been identified.

Equality implications

The Validation Team considered the challenges faced by the School and was satisfied with the efforts made by it to ensure equality of access and opportunity.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson