ASC 08/72

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Friday 29 May 2009

Departmental Programmes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment: Report of the Review of Department of Scottish Literature held on 24 February 2009

Cover Sheet

Ms Helen Clegg, Clerk to the Review Panel

Brief description of the paper

Report of the Review of Departmental Programmes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment of the Department of Scottish Literature, held on 24 February 2009. The recommendations arising from the Review will be forwarded to the individuals identified against each recommendation.

Action Requested

Academic Standards Committee is invited to receive the report and approve the recommendations contained therein for onward transmission to those identified for action.

Resource implications

No direct resource implications have been identified, although the outcome of various recommendations could identify resource issues.

Timescale for Implementation

Responses to the recommendations, accompanied by the comments of the Convener of the Review Panel, will be reported next session for consideration by Academic Standards Committee.

Equality implications

The Review Panel considered the challenges faced by the Department and were satisfied with the efforts made by it to ensure equality of access and opportunity.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson