ASC 08/61

University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee - Thursday 9 April 2009

Indicators of Enhancement: A Contribution to the Scottish Quality Enhancement Framework

Cover Sheet

Ms H Butcher, Clerk to the Committee

Brief description of the paper

The paper Indicators of Enhancement was produced in conjunction with the national Enhancement Themes by a group convened by Professor Peter Easy, Vice-Principal at Napier.   It is considered to represent the first real attempt at national level to define what Quality Enhancement means in the Scottish HE context.  It also tries to find ways of linking sector-level thinking about QE with how QE might be actually manifest in the work of academics.

Action Requested

ASC is invited to consider the paper and comment on whether and how the paper could provide support for colleagues as they plan and take forward improvements to their courses.

None identified at this stage.

Equality implications

Not applicable.


Prepared by: Karen Robertson