University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee - Thursday 9 April 2009
Report from Academic Regulations Sub-Committee
Cover Sheet
Ms Helen Butcher, Clerk to the Committee
Brief description of the paper
Report from the Academic Regulations Sub-Committee which proposes modification to the compensation arrangements in the Taught Masters Generic Regulation. Revised regulations are also recommended in order to implement the changes which have arisen from the review of the Generic PGT regulations and compensation rules.
ASC is requested to
1. Consider for approval the following arrangements for compensation in calculating the grade average required for progression to Masters:
In order to progress to the dissertation/independent work a student must have:
(a) at least 90 credits at D3 or better in the taught element of the course; and
(b) an average for taught elements of the programme of C3 or better*; and
(c) no credits at G or below.
*The progression requirement of an average of Grade C3 or better was approved by ASC and EdPSC in February and March respectively.
2. Consider for recommending to EdPSC, the revised Regulations as detailed in appendices 1 – 3 of this paper.
Clerk’s Note
After the Academic Regulations Sub-Committee had met to discuss the above regulations, the Department of Mechanical Engineering raised the matter of PgT programmes which permitted student intakes in Semester 2. These programmes are structured so that the dissertation is undertaken after completion of half (60 credits) of the taught courses, with the final 60 credits of taught courses being delivered in Semester 1 of the following academic year after the dissertation is completed.
ASC is invited to consider how taught Masters programmes following the Semester 2 intake structure (60CR taught: 60CR dissertation: 60CR taught) could be accommodated in the Generic Masters Regulation. Options could include i) exemption from the progression regulations; ii) application of progression requirements to the first 60 credits of taught courses. Following advice from ASC, the Sub-Committee could draft a further revision to the Generic Masters Regulation which could be circulated to ASC out of committee for agreement prior to submission of the Generic Regulations to EdPSC in May.
Recommended Person/s responsible for taking action(s) forward
The Senate Office will co-ordinate action with the Convener of Academic Regulations Sub-Committee.
Revised regulations to be introduced for the commencement of academic session 2009-10.