University of Glasgow

Academic Standards Committee

Minute of Meeting held on Friday 3 October 2014 at 10:00 AM in the Melville Room


Dr Jack Aitken, Professor John Briggs, Mr Cal Davies, Professor Christine Edwards, Professor Tom Guthrie (Convener), Mr Matthew Hastings, Mr Fred Hay (vice Mr George Tait), Professor Bob Hill, Professor Douglas Macgregor, Dr Martin Macauley, Dr Anna Morgan-Thomas, Dr Penny Morris, Dr Anna O'Neill, Dr Allison Orr, Ms Anna Phelan, Dr Bryony Randall.  

In Attendance:

Mrs Lesley Fielding (Clerk), Dr Kenny Hutton (observing).


Professor Frank Coton, Dr Gordon Curry, Professor Neil Evans, Ms Dawn McKenzie, Professor Kevin O'Dell, Ms Joanne Ramsey, Dr Helen Stoddart. 

ASC/2014/1 Minutes of the Meeting held on Friday 23 May 2014 

The minutes of the previous meeting of 23 May 2014 were approved as a correct record. 

ASC/2014/2 Matters Arising 


ASC/2014/2.1 Online Learning Project: Regulatory and Policy Implications (ASC/2013/71) 

Dr Aitken provided an update on the progress of the Online Learning Project. ASC noted that the project was advancing well and no difficulties were anticipated. An MVLS programme had been approved last year and the process had gone smoothly. Dr Vicki Dale, the curriculum architect for online provision, had been closely involved in the process and would work closely with staff responsible for uploading data into PIP.  

ASC/2014/2.2 Report from the Meeting of Programme & Course Approval Working Group 1 May 2014 (ASC/2013/72.1) 

ASC was informed that a replacement convener was still to be identified for the Programme & Course Approval Working Group. The Senate Office was in the process of appointing a replacement.

Further discussion identified the difficulties experienced in maintaining the currency and validity of data and there was agreement that this should be reviewed by PCAWP and brought back to ASC at the February meeting for further discussion.

Action: Clerk to PCAWG 

ASC/2014/2.3 Request for Postponement of the Institutional-led Subject Review for Environmental Sciences (ASC/2013/76.1) 

It was noted that the University of Edinburgh had agreed to the postponement of the review until 2014-15. 

ASC/2014/3 Convener's Business 

There were no items of Convener's business. 

ASC/2014/4 Follow-up Report on External Examiners Reports Session 2012-13 

Following consideration of the annual report on External Examiners reports for 2012-13 at its last meeting, ASC received an overview of the responses Schools had made to External Examiner comments on matters relating to marking and marking schemes and assessment and feedback. In reviewing School responses, ASC considered these to be appropriate and constructive; however, concern was expressed at the numerous references to grade point scores rather than the alpha numeric scale. Additionally, it was noted that, with regard to the use of the A Band, the A grade at 21 and 22 tended to be reserved for exceptional work. It was note that this last matter was addressed in the following agenda item. 

ASC/2014/5 Update from Short-Life Working Group on Degree Classification Data (Reserved Business) 

This item is reserved to members of the committee.

ASC/2014/6 Report from Fast-Track Programme Approval Group College of Social Sciences 

ASC received an update on the proposed Advanced MRes in Economics and was asked to consider the non standard title, duration and credit load of the programme.

The School had agreed that a new programme title would not be necessary and the title could be revised to the MRes in Economics. The Convener identified two issues for discussion, the number of credits and whether there was a demand for such a programme. Professor Edwards advised that MVLS MSc courses had 360 credits; however, this was necessary due to the clinical practice element of the programme. ASC noted that a suggestion had been made that those recruited to the programme would be non-specialists. However, this was at odds with the rationale for the programme set out in the programme support document. It was not clear whether similar programmes were already offered and a clearer articulation of the rationale, structure and proportional approach to the Certificate and Diploma awards was needed. ASC queried whether this had been an appropriate proposal to be submitted to Summer Powers as the justification was weak. The Committee agreed that an informal meeting should be arranged between the subject area, Professors Guthrie and Edwards with an update to be provided at the November meeting of ASC.

Action: Clerk to ASC

ASC/2014/7 Periodic Subject Review 


ASC/2014/7.1 Summary Reports 

ASC/2014/7.1.1 2013-14: Summary of Recommendations

ASC noted the summary of recommendations which had been prepared following a review of the PSR reports for 2013-14. Three main areas were identified: Support mechanisms, Physical Resources and GTA support and training.

ASC noted that the themes of physical resources and GTA support and training recurred on a regular basis and it was important for these should be addressed. In order to make progress with this it was agreed that the matter be referred to the Deans of Graduate Schools and Deans of Learning and Teaching with a suggestion that, as the issues raised appeared to cut across the responsibilities of both, they might meet together to discuss how the issues raised in the recommendations might effectively be addressed. A report of their proposal would be requested. In order to progress this issue, Deans of the Graduate Schools and Deans of Learning & Teaching should meet to discuss GTA support and training and how this could be disseminated. An update report should be submitted to ASC. Upon receipt of this report, specific issues could be identified and forwarded to the sections such as Human Resources for action.

Action: Senate Office

The Committee acknowledged that the issue of physical resources was an ongoing problem and could not be resolved easily or quickly, particularly in the short-term. Whilst there was planned campus redevelopment in the medium term, it was agreed that communication was pivotal in this process as was the need for Schools and subject areas to continue to convey the difficulties accommodation issues presented through the appropriate channels.

ASC/2014/7.1.2 2013-14: Summary of Good Practice / Key Strengths

ASC noted the areas of good practice which had been identified in the PSR reports for 2013-14. While ASC considered it positive to see the wide array of good practice reported, it was suggested that a smaller group of key actions should be identified for wider dissemination to Heads of Schools. In addition, more details should be provided prior to circulation. It was agreed that members should identify particular examples of Good Practice and forward these, by 31 October, to the Clerk for further discussion with the Convener.

Action: Convener and Clerk of ASC

ASC/2014/7.2 Periodic Subject Reviews 2014-15: Changes to the PSR Process following Second Cycle Review 

ASC noted revisions to the PSR Process for 2014-15 in line with recommendations from ASC. It was noted that at a briefing session recently undertaken with those Schools to be reviewed during Session 2014-15, concern had been expressed at the suggested length of 15-21 pages for the SER. Further advice had been provided by the Senate Office to the Schools that SERs could be augmented by additional data, if deemed necessary. ASC should review this issue at the May 2015 meeting.

Action: Senate Office

ASC/2014/7.3 Update Reports 2012-13 

ASC/2014/7.3.1 College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences - PGT

ASC noted that progress had been made in relation to the outstanding issues arising from the PSR for the review of PGT Medicine and that no further action was necessary. 

ASC/2014/7.3.2 School of Modern Languages & Cultures

ASC noted the update to the PSR of the School of Modern Languages and Cultures held in February 2013. The School had responded in relation to Recommendation 3 that a student focus group had been held as part of the SMLC Working Group in Language Teaching and Oral Classes with the intention to use similar groups again the future. ASC welcomed this development however, wished to receive an update from the focus group for the November meeting of ASC.

Action: Senate Office

Concerns were expressed regarding the School response to recommendation 4 which indicated that GTAs were not remunerated for office hours as 'such activity is not expected of this group'. ASC considered that there was a mismatch between the job description and the actual duties conducted which could be attributed to the student expectation of individual feedback, which GTAs feel obliged to provide. The Committee noted that in the case of post-doctoral students, no remuneration was expected for teaching as it constituted part of the training, however, it was appropriate for postgraduate research students to be remunerated for extra duties and the hours worked. ASC considered that it was imperative that the range of duties undertaken by GTAs was clarified and steps taken to ensure that students were made aware that GTAs were not available one-to-one supervision. Therefore, Deans of Graduate Schools should be asked remind Schools of the institutional guidelines, highlighting the relevant areas.

Action: Senate Office

ASC/2014/7.3.3 School of Veterinary Medicine (Undergraduate Provision)

ASC noted that progress had been made in relation to the outstanding issues arising from the PSR for the School of Veterinary Medicine in December 2012: Revision of ILOs for the start of 2014-15, Results from the University travel survey and Garscube survey, Strategic Plan for the Small Animal Hospital. ASC was pleased to note that there was now a robust Learning and Teaching strategy which balanced the demands of teaching and practice. 

ASC/2014/7.4 Update Reports 2011-12 

ASC/2014/7.4.1 School of Education

Progress had been made in relation to the outstanding issue arising from PSR for the School of Education in February 2012 and no further action was required. 

ASC/2014/7.4.2 School of Medicine - U/G

ASC welcomed the progress that had been made on the development of the outstanding issues arising from the PSR for the School of Undergraduate Medicine in February 2012. It was noted that a thorough review of Problem Based Learning (PBL) had been undertaken.  

ASC/2014/7.4.3 School of Physics & Astronomy

ASC received a report on progress with regard to recommendations 3 and 4 of the PSR for Physics and Astronomy in February 2012. The latest update with regard to recommendation 3 (disabled access to the Kelvin Building), from the Director of Estates and Building, had indicated that outline proposals were due to be submitted to Court on 8 October 2014 and had advised that a subsequent report would be available for the November meeting of ASC.

Action: Senate Office

In connection with recommendation 4, the response from the new Acting Head of College of Science and Engineering had advised there had been no concrete development, to date, regarding the appointment of a shared teaching administrator between the Schools of Chemistry and Physics and Astronomy. It was indicated that other changes in administrative support were planned and that as part of the University-wide support of the 'Transforming Research Management project' a paper was to be presented at the Senior Management Group Meeting. Subsequently, a detailed approach at College level would be developed. An update report should be submitted to ASC for the November meeting.

Action: Senate Office

ASC/2014/8 Remit, Composition and Membership 2014-15 


ASC/2014/8.1 Remit and Composition 

ASC agreed to recommend to EdPSC the proposed remit and composition for 2014-15 as detailed in Appendix 1

ASC/2014/8.2 Membership 

ASC agreed to recommend to EdPSC the proposed membership for 2014-15 as detailed in Appendix 2

ASC/2014/9 Programme Approval Groups Membership and Dates for 2014-15 

The PAGs for session 2014-15 were approved as follows:

PAG 1 - College of Arts

Professor K O'Dell (Convener)

Dr A Morgan-Thomas

Dr A O'Neill

SRC Representative

PAG 2 - College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences

Professor R Hill (Convener)

Dr B Randall

Ms J Ramsey

Professor D Macgregor

SRC Representative

PAG 3 - College of Science & Engineering

Professor N Evans (Convener)

Dr H Stoddart

Dr A Orr

SRC Representative

PAG 4 - College of Social Sciences

Professor C Edwards (Convener)

Dr P Morris

Dr G Curry

SRC Representative

ASC/2014/10 Report from the Meeting of the Joint Board of the University of Glasgow and Christies Education held on 8 July 2014 

The report of the above meeting of the Joint Board held in July 2014 was noted and the revised remit and membership for 2014-15 was approved. ASC also approved the new member of staff reported to be recognised as a teacher of the University. 

ASC/2014/11 Report from the Meeting of the Joint Board of the University of Glasgow and Edinburgh Theological Seminary (formerly Free Church of Scotland College) held on 19 August 2014  

The report of the above meeting of the Joint Board held in August 2014 was noted and the revised remit and membership for 2014-15 was approved. ASC also approved the new members of staff reported to be recognised as teachers of the University. 

ASC/2014/12 Report from the Meeting of the Joint Liaison Committee of the University of Glasgow and The Glasgow School of Art held on 26 February 2014  

The report of the above meeting of the Joint Board held in February 2014 was noted and the revised remit and membership for 2014-15 was approved. 

ASC/2014/13 Report from the Meeting of the Joint Liaison Committee of the University of Glasgow and Scotland's Rural College (SRUC) held on 11 December 2013 

The report of the above meeting of the Joint Board held in December 2013 was noted and the revised remit and membership for 2013-14 was approved retrospectively. ASC also approved the new members of staff reported to be recognised as teachers of the University. 

ASC/2014/14 Report on Items Approved under Summer Powers 

ASC noted the programme proposals that had been approved under summer powers.

Proposals Approved under Fast-Track Procedures

Academic Standards Committee is invited to note that the following programme proposals were recommended by the relevant Fast-Track Approval Group and approved by the Convener of Academic Standards Committee and Clerk of Senate under Summer Powers for introduction in session 2014-15:

College of Science & Engineering

MRes Integrative Sensing and Measurement - New

College of Social Sciences

MSc Media, Communications and International Journalism - New

Items Carried Forward from 2013-14 Programme Approval Groups

The following new programmes were approved under Summer Powers for introduction in September 2014 following completion of actions requested by the relevant Semester 2 PAG:

College of Science & Engineering

New programme

BSc (Hons) Informatics - title changed from 'Computing Science with Specialism' to 'Informatics'

BSc (Hons) Informatics (Faster Route) - title changed from 'Computing Science with Specialism' to 'Informatics'

MSci Informatics - title changed from 'Computing Science with Specialism' to 'Informatics'

MSci Informatics (Faster Route) - title changed from 'Computing Science with Specialism' to 'Informatics'

College of Social Sciences

New programmes

MSc Tourism, Heritage & Development

Major changes

MSc Management

MSc Management with Enterprise & Business Growth

MSc Management with Human Resources

MSc Management with International Finance

ASC noted the validation of the SRUC programmes approved from session 2014-15 for six years:

  • Master of Science in Rural Business Management
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Rural Business Management
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Rural Business Management.

Finally, ASC received for information the report of the Subject Review of Community Development & Adult Education which had been approved under summer powers.

ASC/2014/15 Report on New Courses and Course Amendments Approved by Schools during 2013-14 

ASC received and noted the above report detailing course proposal activity on PIP which demonstrated a stable number of course changes for three of the Colleges. The much higher number of changes in the College of Sciences & Engineering was attributed mainly to the move to a common curriculum at Years 1 and 2 within Engineering. This change also accounted for the higher number of withdrawals in the College of Science & Engineering. 

ASC/2014/16 Business for Validated Provision Christies Education 

ASC noted the changes to two programme titles offered by Christie's Education:

  • MLitt of History of Art and Art-World Practice: Art and Architecture from Antiquity to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (previously MLitt History of Art and Art-world Practice: Arts of Europe).
  • MLitt History of Art and Art-world Practice: Fine & Decorative Art from the Renaissance to Modernism (previously MLitt History of Art and Art-world Practice: Art, Style and Design).

The titles will come into effect in academic session 2015-16. 

ASC/2014/17 Any Other Business 

There was no further business. 

ASC/2014/18 Date of Next Meeting 

The next meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 14 November 2014 at 9.30am in the Melville Room


Created by: Mrs Lesley Fielding