University of Glasgow
Academic Standards Committee
A meeting of the Academic Standards Committee will be held on Friday 22 January 2021 at 9:30 AM via Zoom
Ms Ruth Cole
Clerk to the Committee
Only items listed under Sections A and B will be discussed. At the beginning of the meeting members will be given the opportunity to request that any items listed under Section C be included in the Committee's discussion. |
2. Matters Arising
2.1 PGT College Annual Monitoring Summaries for 2018-19: College of Social Social Sciences: Adam Smith Business School (ASC/2019/41.2.2) (ASC 20/44)
2.2 Annual Monitoring: College of Arts (UG and PG) (ASC/2020/17.1.1)
2.3 Annual Monitoring: Summary (ASC/2020/17.1.5)
2.4 Audit Report on Programme Approval Activity Undertaken by Colleges (ASC/2020/21.1)
4. Proposed Changes to Operation of Discretion by Exam Boards in the Award of Degree Classifications (ASC 20/45-Reserved Business))
This item is reserved to members of the committee.
6. Annual Monitoring
6.1 PGT College Annual Monitoring Summaries for 2019-20
6.1.1 College of Social Sciences (ASC 20/47)
6.1.2 Overview (ASC 20/48)
7. Annual Report on Undergraduate External Examiners’ Reports - Session 2019-20 (ASC 20/49)
Section B: Item for Formal Approval |
Created by: Ms Ruth Cole